High-Resolution Sundew Photos
Below, you can see a few pictures of my sundews in high resolution.
I've designed a few of these shots so that they can be used as desktop backgrounds, but you will likely have to crop them to fit your specific monitor size...(of course, assuming you think they're background worthy in the first place ;)). Either way, I hope you enjoy these, and as a disclaimer, these may take a while to download. Some of these files are 3 Megabytes large.
For beautiful tuberous sundew photos, check out this page.
Drosera capensis (Bains Kloof) Drosera capillaris "Long Arm"

Drosera collinsiae "Faryland" Drosera slackii
Drosera regia "Big Easy" (similar angles) Drosera madagascariensis
Drosera capillaris (typical, flat rosette) Drosera spatulata var. bakoensis
Drosera capensis (typical), growing under lights (left) and a greenhouse

Drosera rotundifolia 'Charles Darwin' Cephalotus follicularis (typical)

Drosera menzisii var basilora (4 MB file) Drosera camporupestris
Many more still sitting on my hard drive, just waiting to get uploaded XD
If you have a photo you'd like me to host on this page, please send me an email!
Happy growing!

To see more artwork by Damien Wu, click here
Additional Questions or Suggestions?
Contact me at: sundewman(at)yahoo.com