Drosera natalensis 2
month growth chart
Below, you can see a series of
photos, which show how fast sundews can grow when fed. I
received these D. natalensis 6 months ago. They were the same size as
the top picture (refer to the photo series below) ever since I received
them. I couldn't figure out why they wouldn't grow. As an experiment, I
fed the right and left plants (refer to pic below again) and hoped that
something would happen. A month later, I was amazed when I saw how
many new leaves had been produced. I decided to document their
growth in order to show the benefits of feeding in action.
Fed right and left plants for the first time- 1/7/09
Middle one and others fed right after this was taken.
Fed again right after picture was taken
2/14/09 aerial view
First flower stalk formed
The D. natalensis to the right now has 2 flower stalks. Left one also
has one now.

Additional Questions or Suggestions?
Contact me at: sundewman(at)yahoo.com